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REVIEWS: Hermann

“I gradually lost my need for carbs and sugar, and eventually I lost my taste for beer or other forms of alcohol like wine. My genetic disposition for depression as well as my PTSD symptoms including sleep problems are now largely under control”


“My name is Hermann and I am a long-term sufferer of depression, which was observed in my Kindergarten years in the 1950s. I was born in Switzerland but moved to the US at the age of 37. Today I am 72 and live in Switzerland again.


My grandmother and my father suffered from depression all of their lives but were not treated since it was considered a part of their character given by God.

When I was 18, I looked up a psychiatrist to address my issues, but there was no help at that time. I had suffered a traumatic childhood and I was later diagnosed with PTSD from that early time. Three psychiatrists and psychologists analyzed my issues and a few antidepressants were tried as well as a fear reduction medication. This helped to some degree, but symptoms like bad mood, irritability, and sleep problems largely remained. Sugar cravings developed, probably as a reaction to an otherwise negative outlook on life. High alcohol consumption happened occasionally. Life had come to a point where all these symptoms were accepted as what my life simply was, others had it better, but my life was what it seemed to be, and I had to live it.


Then I was introduced to Amino Acid Therapy. Together with a good nutrition plan several amino acids were given. They stabilized my moods in a short time (within 1 week) and my general mood improved significantly together with the quality of life. My sleep, often interrupted by nightmares (PTSD), got significantly better and was close to normal after 3 months. What several expensive earlier treatments were not able to achieve had happened, my mood was stabilized and mainly positive, sleep was re-established (after 35 years of occasional insomnia), all within 3 months. My genetic disposition for depression as well as my PTSD symptoms including sleep problems were now largely under control. Significant to mention is that the high initial doses of these amino acids could eventually be reduced to a level which was adequate for the remaining symptoms. Today I know what I need (and in what dose) in order to stay in an even mood.


That was an educational process where I had learned to identify symptoms and how to react to them. As an example, I need more amino acids on dark winter days than when the days are sunny and warm. Before my therapy rainy and dark days in a California winter produced depressive reactions. So, the amino acids were not only a very successful cure but in addition a new and improved way of life for my given health situation.

To sum up

Initially I was skeptical about the results of this treatment, since I had shown signs of sugar cravings already as a young child and thought it was normal for me. Already in Kindergarten I ate every piece of chocolate that I could find. My mother was concerned. Later on in life I needed some sweets before I went to bed to make my day complete. Eventually with older age I started drinking a beer from time to time; later even more. Next to sugar I appreciated my plates of pasta as well. My sleep was often interrupted by negative thoughts of depression. A few weeks into my Amino Acid Therapy I gradually lost my need for carbs and sugar, and eventually I lost my taste for beer or other forms of alcohol like wine when I extended the types of supplements. I occasionally still drink a beer with friends, but I have no cravings anymore (except on a hot summer day). My sleep got significantly better, which resulted in a more positive mood during the day and added to the reduction of my otherwise generally depressed mood, which is partially caused by genetics. My relationships with friends have improved since the unpredictability of a depressed person has vanished.”

Hermann, 72, Switzerland

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