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REVIEWS: Tatiana

“I can say that I finally overcame my sugar cravings, found a way to balance my emotional state and no longer have PMS symptoms, no fatigue in the afternoons, and early wake ups are really easy now.”

"Dear Regina, I want to thank you for your great job!


Last year I came to you with intention to overcome my sugar cravings.

Although I generally adhered to a healthy diet and had no weight problems, I regularly snacked on fruit, smoothies, would not deny myself a small portion of sugar-loaded dessert.


Your diagnosis brought to evidence some other issues like low serotonins level in the afternoon, irritability and excessive emotionality in the luteal phase of the cycle, I could not remember my dreams (but I did not know then, that this was a symptom of a lack of important amino acids).


Your attention, consideration, accurate diagnosis and thorough selection of amino acids and vitamins helped me to eliminate unpleasant symptoms quite quickly and significantly reduce my sugar cravings within the first weeks.


Now, a few months later I can say that I finally overcame my sugar cravings, found a way to balance my emotional state and no longer have PMS symptoms, no fatigue in the afternoons, and early wake ups are really easy now.


Your recommendations have helped me improve my health and greatly improve my quality of life. 


I’m so grateful for your help!​

Update one year later...


"My oldest son ate three meat patties by the time he was seven or eight months old. Ever since he was a baby, he said that if he could only eat meat, he would be fine with it.

Which means that for my eldest, I didn't have to explain anything or teach him anything intentionally. He has always eaten meat with gusto and in decent amounts, and since last summer he has had a full protein breakfast.

My youngest, on the other hand, hardly ate meat for a long time. He preferred pasta, rice, and fruit to protein foods. In the morning he rarely ate breakfast, and at best he had a cup of cocoa or milk. With him, I'm gradually changing the diet, offering him different dishes from the book "super food for superchildren".

A couple of months ago he finally learned how to make his own fried eggs and omelet (from 3 eggs), and since then it has become his usual breakfast.


On the weekends, my husband sometimes buys fresh croissants for breakfast. About a month ago, my son ate as many as two croissants for Sunday brunch. Today, he couldn't eat half of the French delicacy. He came back to the kitchen an hour and a half later to "make himself a normal breakfast" - a three-egg omelet, which I am very happy about". 

Tatiana Ormanis, life and business coach, 41, Paris, France


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